Playful Theme Services
Every Services page should start with a short introductory paragraph or two explaining your services and why the customer should use your services over that of your competitors. You can talk about your services and the value they add without going into detail about them – how do you describe your services? Expert? Quality? Dependable? What is your goal for the end result of your services?
The Services page is going to be different for different businesses, but it also depends on your content and any sub-pages you may have for your services. Your website may have one services page with all of your services listed on this one page. If this is the case, there are a few options. After the introductory paragraph, you may have a bulleted list with all of your services. These could be basic and give the customer all of the information they need. For example, if you are a landscaper, your potential customer will know what lawn mowing is and you don’t have to elaborate. These types of services could be in a bulleted list, perhaps broken into subcategories if necessary. Another option is to list all of the services, but have a description or more information with each service. For example, if you are a landscaper and you list “yard maintenance” as a service, you can elaborate with leaf removal in the fall, lawn mowing in the summer, snow removal in the winter, etc. You may also have a more complex business in which each service you offer needs an explanation.
A third option is to combine those two and have the services listed with bullet points for each service to describe the service. You can also incorporate images into any of these options.